Three Things Guys Don’t Know About CBD

10th July 2019

The New Man

Gone are the days where all things health, beauty, and wellness apply to just women. It’s the era of the modern man and we’re not talking about ‘The New Man’ that rose to prominence like an exotic species in the 1980’s. You know the one the Oxford dictionary describes as being happy to change nappies and do dishes. The modern man is one who looks after himself and is partial to some good old self-grooming. CBD beauty is one of the more popular trends kicking off and although its in no way gender specific, research shows that it’s females who are the more likely sex to spend their time stocking up on all-things-CBD.

How Men Can Benefit

There is no research, stats, or any type of evidence however to show that females react better to CBD. It’s true that CBD affects both men and women differently, but both genders can still avail of its many benefits.

  • Improve Your Fitness Regime

Whether you just want to detox after the festive season, or you’re a seasoned gym goer CBD could potentially help you raise your game. To get the most out of your work-out,  fitness experts suggest three to five sessions a week. This is pretty do-able, however if you’re just starting out or simply overdid it in your last session, muscle pain can hinder your progress. CBD could help you get back in the gym quicker as research claims it has proven anti-inflammatory properties.

It engages with our endocannabinoid to reduce inflammation and provide wide-ranging therapeutic benefits. So not only can CBD potentially treat muscle pain but it could also be used for sports related injuries, and of all the reasons users turn to CBD, pain is the most common.

A 2011 study showed that CBD stimulated “descending pain-blocking pathways in the nervous system and caused analgesia by interacting with several target proteins involved in nociceptive control”.  Authors concluded that the cannabinoids “might represent useful therapeutic agents with multiple mechanisms of action.”

The following year, researchers reported that “CBD significantly suppressed chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain without causing apparent analgesic tolerance in animals”. In 2013, researchers concluded that chronic pain patients prescribed opioids were less likely to use them if they used Cannabis.

  • Lessen Risk of Obesity

According to the National Institute of Health, one in three American adults are considered obese and research suggests that this ratio is rising. Statistically speaking, men are more likely to be at risk, and obesity has been linked to a number of life threatening conditions such as stroke, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and some forms of cancer. So, where does CBD come into play and can it really help loosen your waist line. Several studies show that cannabis users are likely to have a lower BMI (body mass index) and smaller waists. A 2011 report published in the American Journal of Epidemiology even concluded that the rates of obesity are around a third lower in cannabis users. And that’s not all, CBD itself has been shown to lower the incidence of diabetes in some furry rodents. The research suggests that CBD can benefit weight loss by helping to convert white fat into weight-reducing brown fat, which promotes insulin production and sugar metabolism. Pair this with your new fitness regime, a healthy diet (minus the odd bit of cake), and you’ll be as strong as an Ox!

  • Better Your Sex Life

Man wearing a towel

So, if being less at risk of a heart attack, or upping your gym routine didn’t entice you to try CBD, we are pretty sure that bettering your sex life will. There are claims to suggest that CBD can contribute to a man’s reproductive health, increase ‘feel-good’ hormones, and can even be used as lube. The endocannabinoid system is closely linked to the male reproductive system and CBD has been said to improve blood flow and repair damaged tissue. Meaning that it could give a helping hand in combating erectile dysfunction. The chemical compound could also has a positive effect on testosterone, prolactin, and cortisol levels which could put men in the mood…

Combine this with CBD’s stress-reducing properties and you’re in for a good time. CBD has been consistently known to reduce stress and anxiety, taking it will also help with the bodies’ release of oxytocin. Also known as the cuddle hormone as it makes us feel closer to our partners. The combination could help men get out of their own head and into their body, making sex more enjoyable for all parties!

The Final Verdict

You can try use some CBD while visiting some of the more holistic places, the body camp in Mallorca that has many zen activities that are match made in heaven with CBD. Whether you’re trying to stay healthy, or even spice up your sex life you should try incorporating CBD into your daily routine or as a new year's resolution. Take a leaf out of the woman in your life’s book and pick up some cream, capsules, or tasty CBD gummies. After all, we’re usually right …

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