CBD is everywhere. Its popularity not only as a supplement but as an essential part of your beauty regime is becoming abundantly clear. It can be found in a plethora of beauty products from body lotions, lip balms to bath bombs. CBD is even being researched as a treatment for a variety of skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis.
There’s no doubt that CBD has benefits for the mind, body and soul and this is evident from the ever-growing scientific evidence backed-up by the abundance of articles, blogs and posts from the far reaches of the internet. Anecdotal evidence hails CBD as the beauty product that ‘you need to know about’.
However, you don’t need another post advising you of the ‘hot new cannabinoid in town’ to add to your beauty regime. The benefits of CBD for your skin are becoming well-known at this point. What is lacking, however, is a series of articles telling you how you can use CBD products to get the best out of the.
CBD in skincare
Hemp used as a health and beauty product isn’t a recent development, with cold-pressed extracts from hemp seeds being placed into a wealth of products and marketed as hemp extract or hemp seed oil. Hand creams, shampoos, body moisturisers, lip balms… the list goes on for products that have been on our shelves for decades.
CBD, on the other hand, has burst onto the scene so rapidly and in one fell swoop has changed the face of the skincare industry. Making the size of the hemp product range look tiny; CBD has added novel products such as CBD bath bombs, consumable products such as CBD coffee and CBD lollipops, to the already extensive number of oils, balms, lotions and salves on the market.
Is the vast amount of CBD products on the market really needed? If you are using a CBD full-body lotion, then what is the need for using a CBD bath bomb?
Starting your own CBD business, isn't for everybody but one way to save yourself a lot of time, money and effort by cleverly using CBD products. And one such way is using CBD before makeup application as a primer.
The trick of applying CBD before makeup
As you probably know, a base or a primer is a product that you apply before you put on your foundation and other products to help them “stay” better. You’ll notice when looking at the skin closely how it is naturally uneven, with pores, follicles, lines, wrinkles, and slight blemishes all giving our faces character. Without a good base, your foundation would not only fall off, but it also wouldn’t apply as smoothly and just wouldn’t look as good.
What you choose as a base can have a massive impact on the quality of your natural look, so using an organic cream with moisturising oils is highly recommended. It makes perfect sense then, to use a CBD infused moisturiser for this reason, so all day long under your make-up the CBD will absorb into the skin, imparting its radiating benefits.
Moisturisers are oil-based, so you can even add your own CBD oil to your favourite moisturiser, negating the need for an endless array of products. A tip here would be to use a CBD isolate oils to mix, as they are clearer in appearance than full-spectrum oils, which tend to be darker, and also just make sure you give it a thorough mix before applying to your skin.
The benefits of applying CBD to the skin are well-known, and the easiest way of consistently using CBD to ensure you get the best out of it is by incorporating it into your daily routine.