What Is CBD Coffee And The Top Brands Who Sell It

1st October 2019

Everything you need to know about CBD coffee and a guide to the best companies who sell it.

The variety of CBD products on the market at the moment is astonishing, but there's something about combining two of the most desirable plants on the planet into that perfect start to the day that ticks all the boxes.

In this article, we will discuss all the talking points surround CBD coffee, from the benefits, side effects and a full guide of the best brands around.

What Exactly Is CBD?

It may seem to some like a contradiction. CBD Coffee. One is to stimulate you through the day and the other is a health supplement that aids relaxation. However, it is precisely the relaxing addition of CBD that helps to take off the jittery edge you may otherwise get.

This new fad isn’t just adding a few drops of CBD oil to a standard blend of coffee either, which would result in ruining the CBD and ruining the taste of your coffee.

Instead, the coffee beans are heated along with CBD to allow it to infuse into the natural oils in the coffee bean. This ensures the coffee isn’t overpowered with the taste of CBD oil while ensuring that you get all of the benefits you desire.

Related Article: What is CBD?

Top 12 Best CBD Coffee Brands

Already the CBD infused Coffee market is full of high-quality competition. The ingenuity of different brands can make your choice quite difficult. However, we have collated our 12 favourites which we will take a closer look at.

Willies Remedy

Willies Remedy Product

A Colombian three-bean, medium blend with that opulent flavour. Each cup has 7mg of CBD infused into the wonderful tasting coffee. You wouldn’t expect any less from a company started by the great Willie Nelson.

Flower Power Coffee

Flower Power Coffee Co Product

A wonderful balance of full-bodied coffee and CBD with this dark roast blend, perfect for that quick morning espresso to help you feel the power. Each 1 oz bag of coffee contains 30 mg of CBD, providing 4-6 servings per bag.

Kick Back CBD Cold Brew

Kickback CBD Cold Brew

The perfect answer for the fast pace of modern society. Kickback’s coconut milk and date syrup flavoured drink contains 20mg of CBD in every drink.

Green Roads

Green Roads Coffee

A full-bodied product formulated by the Green Roads teams’ own licensed pharmacist. Weighing in at 250 mg CBD per 8 oz bag, this Green Roads’ coffee has caramel notes for that sweet start to the day.

Strava Craft Coffee

Strava Coffee

Peace and wellness by Sträva Craft Coffee have 4 different products with varying strengths of CBD from 30 mg to 240 mg. Organically sourced and delivered as a freshly roasted product, this is the brand that brings you peace of mind.


Hempworx CBD Coffee

Arabica beans deliciously crafted with pharmaceutical-grade CBD. Perfect for the travelling CBD connoisseur because this Hempworx blend is available in small travel sachets containing 5 mg of CBD in each.

Diamond CBD

Diamond CBD Chill CBD Coffee

Each CBD-infused Chill Coffee comes in a convenient and ready-to-use coffee cup that delivers 25mg of coffee in each cup. This rich artisan blend is for the coffee lover looking for that high CBD hit.

Buddha Beans Coffee

Buddha Beans Coffee Co

Variety is the spice of life from Buddha Beans Coffee who offer three blends with beans from different countries, all with 30 mg of CBD per oz of coffee. A strong Colombian, a smooth Ethiopian and a sweet Mexican make up the trio.

Mary Joe

Mary Joe Cold Brew Coffee

The cold brew that has been made for that hot summer’s morning. Organically grown coffee is mixed wonderfully with 15 mg of CBD per serving.

CBD Nutrition

A deep, flavourful and robust bag of coffee grounds that is for the coffee enthusiasts for an affordable price. Each bag contains 100 mg of cold-pressed, full spectrum CBD.


CBD Infusionz Ultra Premium Ground CBD Coffee

A naturally sweet coffee blend with hints of vanilla and caramel containing 33.33mg of CBD per serving. This medium-bodied brew provides a smooth start to your day with a big kick of CBD.

Doma CBD

Doma Coffee Roasting Company

A smooth and rich, premium coffee that is definitely a top-shelf product. Each 12 oz bag contains an incredible 500 mg of CBD that boasts to be ‘the best cup of coffee you’ll ever enjoy’.

Bioavailability and Why It Matters With CBD

The bioavailability of CBD is the amount of CBD in the product that makes it into your bloodstream. Each method of consumption has its own bioavailability. So, the bioavailability of the method of consuming CBD is as equally important as the amount of mg in the product.

Consuming CBD through food and drink (edibles) naturally has a low bioavailability, with approximately 20 – 30% of the CBD actually entering the bloodstream. However, new technologies are constantly being developed where companies can increase the bioavailability of their edible and drinkable products.

Benefits of CBD Coffee

It's as safe to consume as both CBD and coffee are -, very safe but, as with everything, best in moderation. If consuming CBD Coffee responsibly (no more than 2 cups per day) you will experience a wealth of benefits, including: –

  • Increase in energy and alertness – This one goes without saying with it being the main reason people reach for coffee in the morning straight out of bed. CBD infused Coffee beats regular coffee hands down for that alertness without the jittery edge.
  • Double the antioxidants – Both CBD and coffee are well known and understood antioxidants, ridding the body of free radicals that may form and can damage cells.
  • All the normal benefits of CBD – CBD is known for its vast range of medicinal properties. From reducing inflammation and soothing chronic pain to reducing seizures associated with epilepsy.

CBD is still CBD whether it’s in a vape pen, in a carrier oil or in coffee. You will still receive all the medicinal benefits regardless of how you consume it.

Can CBD Coffee Help With Anxiety?

The main reason that people self-medicate with CBD in the UK is that it helps with their symptoms of anxiety, stress or depression. All three conditions in which common symptoms can include a lack of motivation and social issues.

For this very fact, CBD infused Coffee is gaining quite a following for its use for anxiety and other mental disorders. It easily slots in as part of the morning routine. People who normally consume coffee first thing in the morning have replaced their coffee with CBD Coffee and felt the benefits.

Possible Risks of Taking CBD Coffee

Both CBD and coffee have their own associated risks or side effects that may occur when consuming them. They are generally mild and only occur in a small number of cases, hence why both are perfectly legal to consume in the UK. However, these risks are: –


Side effects of CBD include dizziness, changes in appetite, headaches and digestive issues.


Side effect of coffee and dizziness, jitters and digestive issues.

There is a slight overlap in the potential side effects, so consume in moderation to receive the benefits of both.

It’s also important to note that CBD may interact with some pharmaceutical medications. If you currently are receiving a prescription from your GP, speak to them before consuming CBD.

Key Takeaways

CBD coffee and the vast range of products on the market give a variety of options to suit the different requirements for coffee lovers and CBD users. It brings a fresh way of consuming CBD that is easy to replace in your day-to-day routine.

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