Can Yoga Stop Chronic Pain?

26th August 2019

There are lots of reasons why people are in chronic pain which can stem from a wide range of injuries or diseases.  And anyone that suffers from this debilitating condition, knows how it can wear you down. Yoga can relief and improve the quality of life, putting them and not their pain in control.

One of the reasons chronic pain is so challenging is that it goes beyond just a physiological presence of pain, and begins to affect the mind-body connection.

What Is Yoga?

Yoga is basically the movements of the body while controlling breathing. It is a way for a person to concentrate on certain parts of the body at a time and this is why it offers relief from the pain. Yoga can help release muscle tension in your body and leave you centered.

Breathing In Yoga – is there a right and a wrong way?

Ways yoga keeps chronic pain from wearing you down

Mild to moderate exercise actually decreases physical pain so yoga qualifies.
The increased flow of oxygen to the brain and muscles when practising yoga improves our sense of well-being and ups our energy levels. Stretching muscles decreases the intensity of pain. Combining breath awareness with physical movements releases tension. Regular yoga can improve stress management therefore giving you permission to push through pain barriers. Mind over matter.

Kelly McGonigal, “Yoga For Pain Relief”

Kelly McGonigal wrote a book called “Yoga for Pain Relief”. In her book, she describes ways that yoga can be used effectively for people with chronic pain. The training of the mind to control pain is what she goes into a lot in this book. This is an essential point to remember for people who are dealing with chronic pain. They will want to use mind over matter to ease their pain symptoms. She also emphasizes the need to listen to what a person's body is trying to tell them. This is important to remember so that a person can relieve the area that is most affected by chronic pain.

Concentration Is Key

Putting everything else out of one's mind is essential to using yoga for the relief of chronic pain. Feelings of frustration, anger, stress, and other upsetting issues need to be put out of their mind. When you concentrate on peaceful and good things, you should be in a better frame of mind after each session and moving forward.

How Often Should A Person Practice A Yoga Session?

This will vary per person. For many people, a half-hour session is very good. They may want to do this every day or at least every couple of days to get the maximum effect from it. People that practice yoga every day have been shown to have a better state of pain and be free of pain. This is really good news for chronic pain sufferers and adding CBD will help you to recover faster.

Types Of Yoga

  • Yoga Asana

This form of yoga has a lot of different poses. They are usually completed to counts. Since they are specific, a pain sufferer can concentrate on the different body parts that they are moving at any given time. People that learn this type of yoga will have various poses that they will want to learn like the Arms Overhead, Mountain Pose, and more. All of them have a different purpose and a person should learn them all so that they can use them whenever they need to. It will really help them in regards to pain.

  • Meditation

When someone uses the meditation form of yoga, they are relaxing in different positions. They are using deep breathing techniques as they are relaxing. Many people use soothing music to put them in a meditative state. They can also hold an object that they want to concentrate on. Focus being the key.

  • Relaxation

Focusing on relaxing the muscles is what people can do to alleviate their chronic pain. Concentrating on the breathes, the stillness, the here and now. You can even practice going into different consciousness states. This is called Yoga Nidra.

Relieve, Manage and even Eliminate persistent pain

We now have solid science to illustrate the neurobiology of pain and we are all aware of the positive implications of breathing better, being still and present. It’s an exciting time in yoga, medicine and recovery. It was once believed pain could be “managed”, updated science suggests today that we can recover from ongoing pain (every case is different) supported by yoga practices and develop core stability, strength and cultivate hope and ultimate healing. The caveat being – listen to your body.

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