Sätila Launches Premium Collection

20th September 2018

The Swedish brand Sätila takes their qualities and design to a new level this season when they launch a series of premium hats, beanies and scarves.

Winter might seem like a distant dystopia, but our Fashion Editor, Thomas Falkenstedt, gives us a reality check with Sätila.
Winter might be cold, but we can still look dapper. Sätila is known for their focus on sustainability, but now reaches out to a new target with their premium line.
Their beanies, scarves and mittens are knitted in Sweden with a love for recycling and the environment. From having made more traditional accessories with an environmental concern, the past few years have seen a rise in quality and design as well.

The coming season thus holds a luxurious premium collection where the materials are cashmere, alpaca and merino wool – free from mulesing. If you're not familiar with mulesing, don't be a fan. Just know it's a cruel way for manufacturers of merino wool to make more profit.

One of the beanies, Svanshult, is made out of cashmere and kid mohair and comes in black and grey. There's also Grebbeshult, a thin beanie made of merino and recycled polyester for the shape.  The off white beanie below, Årenäs, is made with the same method. The scarfs in the collection are made of 100% cashmere.

The names might seem a bit quirky, even for a native Swedish speaker, but they are names of places in the near vicinity of Sätila, as a tribute to the brand's roots.

It's no secret that Swedes are good at fashion, but if they have a special know-how in something, it's got to be how to look good when it's cold.
Despite having unusual heatwaves for quite a few months, Sweden is usually, and rightfully, regarded as a dreadfully cold place in the winter.
Check out Sätila on their website.
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