CBD Oil for Anger – What You Should Know

16th November 2020

Can CBD oil help with anger? Anger can be the result of a number of situations which can lead to outbursts and times of raised stress levels. One of the basic emotions, anger is thought to have a protective purpose as it prepares humans to fight, an essential survival tactic.

For most people, anger outbursts are rare and short-lived and they can continue with their lives normally after an issue is resolved. However, in cases where anger overtakes all else and becomes uncontrollable, the danger of it leading to bad situations and health problems requires that steps be taken to manage it.

CBD is the most effective remedy for helping with anger management but before learning why; let’s take a closer look at what causes anger issues.

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When Is Your Anger a Problem?

It’s easy enough to notice that some people have a much shorter fuse than others. As such, anger disorders vary in severity and frequency between people.

However, it is easy to recognize when things are becoming a problem. For example, if the frequency and severity of rage changes or begins to interfere with relationships, work or causes you problems with the law–it might be time to seek treatment.

Anger can arise from a variety of factors including stress, financial issues, or even chronic pain which CBD can help with. Even though anger issues are more common in adults, it has been found that 8% of adolescents have what is called intermittent explosive disorder.

Catecholamines (CA) – Why They’re Important for Anger

One abnormality that affects people who have anger problems is the imbalance of Catecholamines (CA). What is a CA though? CA are neurotransmitters that control the functions of the nervous system, including, reasoning, emotions, thinking. There are three main catecholamines–dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.

Each of these CAs are similar but serve different functions.


You’ve likely heard of dopamine before and simply put it manages emotional responses. What else does it do? It is essential for optimum motor control and emotional learning. It can help with problem solving and sensitivity. Conversely, an overload can make it difficult to process information.


Epinephrine is released as a response to anxiety, excitement, fear, and stress and drives the “fight or flight” response. It regulates sleep, heart rate and many metabolic functions. If you have too much in your system though, bad things can occur. These include anxiety, hyperactivity, and adrenal fatigue. But also too little can lead to depression and greater difficulties in recovery from illness.


Norepinephrine helps with attention and mood while also improving memory and focus. Low levels cause anxiety, moodiness, and lack of focus, while high levels result in manic episodes similar to Bipolar Disorder.

In psychology, there is no official “anger disorder” but it is recognized through manic episodes, Borderline Personality Disorder and Intermittent Explosive Disorder.

Anger issues and Their Effects

One of the major side effects that stem from uncontrolled anger issues is chronic health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and a weakened immune system. Mental health will also be affected by issues such as depression and stress often leading to other mental health issues. Ineffective anger management also leads to insomnia. A combination of symptoms will lead to a lack of concentration, difficulties at work, and complexities with relationships.

Using CBD Oil For Anger

Using CBD oil for anger is as easy as a trip down the high street. CBD oil is legal to buy, although make sure to double-check your country’s laws. Generally speaking, as long as it’s below 0.3% THC you can find CBD relatively easily.

Why choose CBD oil?

During one randomised controlled trial of 400 people, they administered placebos and CBD oil medication. What they found was incredibly interesting. Of the participants who received CBD had significantly lowered stress levels than the group with the placebos.

In another study on social anxiety, participants were put under social stress while receiving CBD. Participants who took CBD had lower stress levels as well as better cognitive functioning. The subjects on the other hand who received a placebo had higher alert levels.

They have even discovered that by using hemp oil, you can help calm your overactive brain by regulating your neurotransmitters. They found that when treated with CBD, your reactions to situations that elicit fear or panic are much less severe. This gives you a clearer ability to think during moments of panic. It’s during those moments when our minds could be drawn into anger.

The ECS & Anger Management

The ECS or endocannabinoid system was discovered by scientists in 1990. What we’ve learned since is that, while little known for a long time it plays a massive role in the body. In fact, it regulates all the functions of the body.

Functions that are related directly to the ECS include the speed we metabolize food, our nutrient absorption. It also assists in sending out correct amounts of CAs necessary to control anger and other emotions.

Natural Cannabinoids in the Body

One of the most surprising things we’ve learned in the last thirty years is that we make our own cannabinoids. In fact, one of them is incredibly similar to CBD.

When CBD is ingested by the body, the ECS uses that CBD to regulate any chemical imbalances. There have been numerous studies to show how powerfully CBD can affect and lower our stress levels. It also improves cognitive function which is just another amazing benefit of CBD oil.

Stress management is the main contributor to finally getting anger management under control, and CBD has been scientifically proven as an effective way to manage stress levels.

Chronic Pain and Anger

Do you know anyone that’s prone to being irritable? Perhaps they suffer from chronic pain. Pain in the body is regulated by the chemical called anandamide (AEA). This often compared to THC.

CBD helps to block the enzymes which break down AEA, therefore, helping to prolong its pain-blocking effects. CBD also helps to increase the levels of AEA in the body and helps those who may have a deficiency in the chemical. This means using CBD oil for illnesses such as arthritis is growing in popularity.

Choosing the Right CBD Product

CBD oils have the fastest acting time and are the choice for immediate relief. As they are quickly absorbed by the bloodstream, especially if placed under the tongue.

CBD capsules on the other hand have a slower metabolizing time and are better for the long-term treatment of anger management since they have longer-lasting effects. Always prefer high-quality CBD products and if unsure about your CBD oil dosage ask your doctor.

Anger management can be difficult to regulate without help. Treating the source of anger is a good place to begin and a visit to your psychologist or doctor will help you understand where it’s coming from.

Always pick a CBD product that best suits you to overcome all the obstacles that anger puts in the way of work and relationships.

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