Glamorous Farmer Dominating CBD oil Production in Guernsey

18th September 2019

Yummy mummy turns weed farmer.

She’s an unlikely cannabis kingpin but 52 year old Tina Bolding from Guernsey is the island’s only cannabis farmer and has opened the Channel islands first CBD shop. She also has a farm that could easily produce 5 million grams of cannabis per year.

After losing her husband to cancer three years ago and travelling back and forth to Holland for medicinal cannabis and CBD she saw the pan relief it offered her husband.

It’s life-enhancing aspects are what first set her on such an unusual career path.

“I've never taken drugs in my life. I've never smoked a joint. I've always been so anti-drugs, she told the Daily Mail, UK. This is totally alien to anything else I've ever done in my life,”

admits Tina, who trained to be a graphic designer before meeting husband Brian.

In February this year Tina was granted permission by Guernsey's progressive government to grow her own cannabis to produce a variety of different CBD oils.

Picture by Adrian Miller, 23900558
Picture by Adrian Miller, 23900558

Guernsey Gold CBD

Today Tina lives alone on Guernsey. Brian died in 2016 of lung cancer, which spread to his bones. “Within ten months of being diagnosed in December 2015 — he'd had a pain that they thought was a frozen shoulder.” — Tina was facing life as a widow.

I just kept thinking: “I have to find an answer. It's all going to be OK.”
The 2018 ruling that makes it legal for doctors to prescribe medical cannabis under extenuating medical conditions was too late.

It was a fortuitous meeting with ex-palliative carer, now cannabis consultant, Ben Birrell, that led her to think about starting a cannabis-based business.

The Original Alternative putting Guernsey on the map

This conviction started her on a new course in life. Last August, on what would have been Brian's 65th birthday, she opened the first shop on her island selling CBD oil, called The Original Alternative.

At present, Tina is the only non-pharmaceutical operation in the UK. There is only one other big cannabis farm, in Norfolk, and this is pharmaceutical.

I said to the Guernsey government: “Globally, the mindset towards cannabis oil is changing. Not only will you help people, but you will put Guernsey on the map if you allow this product.”

Guernsey Gold, is what she named the strongest CBD oil among her collection is not medical strength — she has to stick rigidly to the CBD advertising guidelines ie that it is a food supplement that ‘assists' with making life better, rather than ‘curing' conditions.

Tina also practices what she preaches. She takes her ‘blue' CBD oil in the morning, to pick up her mood, and a ‘purple' oil two hours before bed if she is struggling to sleep.

Checkout what happened when Meghan Markle’s nephew uses her name to build weed empire or see what happens when Barneys gets behind luxury cannabis and hemp

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