CBD for Hair – Could It Be the Answer to Healthy Locks?

12th July 2021

Most of us want nice, long, healthy hair and a scalp to match, making many curious about CBD for hair. From one Google search, it seems as though CBD can help with everything — from discomfort and aches to stress and sleep. But can it help you to achieve your hair goals in time for summer?

CBD is a convenient supplement to take on the daily and comes in so many different forms. You can bring it on the go or take it at home, and the effects are said to be almost immediate. It truly sounds like the ultimate solution to becoming #hairgoals. Let’s explore the benefits of CBD for hair below.

Will CBD Encourage Hair Growth?

It seems everyone wants their hair to grow these days. Whether it is because they went too short last time in the hairdresser's or are dealing with hair loss. While the research is limited as to whether or not CBD encourages hair growth, it does seem promising.

According to a 2020 study, CBD ensures better blood flow, in particular, around the hair follicles. You may be wondering, what does blood flow have to do with hair growth? Well, better blood circulation encourages hair growth.

By increasing blood circulation, the hair follicles are provided with more nutrients and can eliminate toxins. Doing so enables a healthier scalp, which yields strong and healthy hair.

Can I Use CBD For Dandruff?

Dandruff is a prevalent issue that many face. The skin on the scalp flakes, and it can be irritating and uncomfortable. It can make many feel insecure as it is not a simple task to get rid of this condition.

Dandruff is often very itchy and causes a dry, prickly scalp. It can also cause the skin to become inflamed, which is certainly not pleasant. Luckily, CBD could be a great help if you are experiencing dandruff.

Research has found that CBD is both helpful in decreasing inflammation and discomfort. Many studies have demonstrated its use for chronic pain. In particular, one animal study discovered CBD immensely helped to reduce inflammation and nerve pain.

Other studies have also found it beneficial for the pain associated with arthritis. The evidence is not conclusive that CBD can reduce the inflammation and pain associated with dandruff. However, it does seem promising and could be valuable to try.

Does CBD Help With Dry Scalp?

There is nothing worse than having a dry scalp. It can be painful, itchy, and easily irritated by your favourite products. It definitely makes caring for your hair a challenging task.

Therefore, you no doubt want to give it some moisture and nourish it so you can ensure your scalp’s health. Research has found CBD can help with a range of skin issues. Some of which include acne, sensitive skin and even, dry skin.

One study from 2019 concluded CBD could be of benefit to those experiencing dry and itchy skin. As mentioned previously, CBD is also claimed to help reduce inflammation, which can often be a side effect of severely dry skin. This natural substance works to smooth out the skin, reduce redness and any associated discomfort.

With that in mind, it seems promising that CBD could help those experiencing dry scalp. Not to mention, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is likely to be very gentle on your scalp.

Can CBD Prevent Hair Loss?

It is not uncommon for people to experience hair loss at some point in their life. It can be caused by various factors, including medical issues, changes in hormones, or ageing. Additionally, hair loss can be hereditary.

Since CBD can encourage hair growth via increased blood circulation, it could work as a preventative measure for hair loss. In addition, CBD can moisturise dry skin and reduce irritation and discomfort. Therefore, it seems likely that CBD could help you achieve a healthy scalp.

CBD Oil Benefits

Having a healthier scalp is certainly one step in the right direction to reducing and preventing hair loss. Hair loss symptoms include patchy bald spots and thinning hair. CBD could be useful in encouraging these bald areas to grow back and for thickening out hair.

This is all thanks to it enhancing our blood flow around our hair follicles.

Are CBD Products Safe to Use?

The research on using CBD for hair is limited. However, thorough research has been conducted on whether CBD is safe to use. The simple answer is yes, CBD is safe to use and has been found to have only a few minor side effects.

These side effects include:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Dry mouth
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Reduced appetite

For CBD topical products, some of the side effects include:

  • Irritation such as a rash
  • Allergy to the product

In addition, these side effects only really occur when the user has exceeded the recommended dose. The only thing to keep in mind here is to purchase your CBD products from a brand with a good reputation among consumers. There are a lot of laws and regulations for CBD products.

However, some can slip through the cracks without undergoing the necessary testing. This testing is crucial as it confirms the exact ingredients and THC levels are in the product as they claim. In addition, this ensures you are receiving a high-quality product free of harmful components.

If you feel nervous about purchasing CBD, be sure to ask the company for their test results. We would recommend that you buy CBD products from CBD Village that follows all the laws and regulations. They also have a plethora of CBD products available on their online store.

In Summary

It seems CBD could be a game-changer for achieving your #hairgoals. Research has found CBD improves blood circulation around the hair follicles, which encourages growth. In addition, it is anti-inflammatory and helps relieve discomfort.

Therefore, it can help with other issues such as hair loss and dandruff. Not to mention, it is said to have excellent moisturising qualities. This may prove beneficial if you’re dealing with a dry scalp.

It seems there is little reason not to give CBD for hair a try. So, will you be leveraging the power of CBD for your hair game?

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