Do you find yourself looking at the hair sprouting from your face, thinking, I thought it would look better? Do your closest friends mock your scraggle of a beard at every turn? Were you turned down as an extra for Game of Thrones because you look too unkempt? Well, fear not, soon your facial hair will be the talking point of family get togethers, but for positive reasons.
Two things have exploded in the last several years. The first is CBD which everyone and their grandmother must have heard about by now. It’s associated with numerous health benefits. The second is the crazy amounts of guys growing a big face of fuzz. You can’t walk down the street without seeing someone who, facially at least, looks like they stepped out of a coal-mine in the 1880’s.
Today we’re looking at a modern twist that you can give to this time-approved look: CBD beard oil.
Why do I Need Beard Oil?
It seems like every Tad, Brad, and Chad has got a beard going on these days to some degree. Ten years ago, having a beard was the facial equivalent to declaring yourself on some sort of register. But these days not having a beard or the inability to grow one is a cause for unrelenting ridicule. Joking, of course.
But just pushing some hair out of your face and hoping for the best is no longer the way to go. There are an extraordinary amount of products to help groom that beard to perfection. They can soften the often-coarse hair and moisturize the skin beneath. It can also help you overcome the symptoms of ‘beard itch.’
CBD beard oil could be the real deal in changing your appearance from “person you wouldn’t want to meet down an alley” to “person it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to passby down an alley.”
CBD Beard Oil Benefits
CBD has grown in astounding popularity over the last number of years with a range of holistic benefits including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidant, amongst others. CBD can also provide massive benefits to your hair. This comes down to the presence of fatty acids such as omega-9, omega-6, and omega-3. These contribute greatly to the strength of your hair. That’s because hair is made from a protein called keratin. Fatty acids also contribute greatly to the strengthening of hair follicles.
CBD oil, like other beard oils, can be applied directly to your hair and also is found in shampoos, conditioners and other hair products. It’s easy to incorporate into your daily routine and CBD oils come in a wide array of scents for your olfactory pleasure.
Hair Loss
There is some preliminary evidence that CBD beard oil might just be helpful with hair loss prevention. Hair loss can often happen because of breakages, but the protein-building properties of CBD can keep the hair moisturized and healthy and strong.
Moisturizes Hair with Vitamin E
Vitamin E is one of the greatest natural conditioners and again, is excellent for promoting the health of hair strands. It’s good for skin, beards, and even the hair on your head. There’s no point having a full, long beard if it’s not going to have a great luxurious shine which can be soft to the touch.
Moisturizes the Skin, too!
Like we said, the skin can be moisturized super efficiently by the Vitamin E present in CBD. Often, the skin underneath your beard can be neglected once it’s covered over by hair but it’s important not to forget it and make sure to keep it well nourished. If you have problematic skin already – redness, dry skin, itchiness, or acne – then the Vitamin E can be extremely beneficial for maintaining great skin.
Your Beard Needs You
You need to act now to help take care of your beard before it’s too late! Personal grooming is only going to increase in popularity and more products are going to become increasingly more available. You owe it to yourself to get the finest CBD ingredients for your beard and display the strongest and healthiest beard you can. Even if you don’t care about the fancier aspects of beard care you’ll be shocked at how much having a healthier, fuller-looking beard will do for your own self-esteem.
If you liked this article, check out our post on hair masks.