Hemp Milk, Can It Help Your Skin?

10th August 2020

We are strong advocates for the hemp plant. Whether it is adding hemp oil to our skincare products or adding hemp seeds into our diet as a source of protein. You can add hemp to your diet in multiple ways, by consuming hemp seeds, flour powder and now as milk.

Hemp Milk Benefits has become a popular alternative to cow’s milk. Made from whole hemp seeds, hemp milk is the perfect replacement for dairy, nut or soy products.

What is Hemp Milk?

Hemp milk is a nutritious natural drink, rich in minerals, vitamins and plant protein as well as essential fatty acids and antioxidants. It is the perfect dairy alternative for those who are lactose intolerant and have nut allergies. The milk is made from a mixture of ground hemp seeds and water.

Hemp milk is extremely high in protein, making it the perfect solution for vegetarians, vegans and highly active people. It contains 8 of the 20 essential amino acids that your body requires to grow and function correctly. Amino acids play a vital role in tissue repair, muscle coordination and increasing energy levels.

Hemp milk is rich in the following nutrients :

  • Essential Fatty Acids
  • Plant-based Proteins
  • Fibre
  • Vitamin E
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium

However, it contains small amounts of :

  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamins A
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium

Does Hemp Milk Benefit the Skin?

Hemp milk is a perfect option if you’re trying to cut dairy out of your diet to help improve your skin. Packed with vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy skin, hemp milk can be the perfect replacement for dairy milk as cow’s milk often contains added hormones that can affect your own hormones. This can result in your body producing excess sebum, your pores becoming clogged and voila: breakouts! When introducing hemp milk into your diet, it can take a couple of weeks to see results, but you should notice a change in your skin’s tone and texture.

Vitamin E is abundant in hemp milk and highly beneficial for the skin, with anti-ageing properties, giving your skin a radiant glow. Although you should also remember a regular skincare routine and a healthy balance is just as important to have radiant skin.

Does Hemp Milk Make You High?

No, hemp milk cannot make you high.

Similar to CBD, hemp oils and foods contain less than 0.3% of THC, therefore it is non-psychoactive. The THC amount is so small that the human body will not be affected.

Make Your Own Hemp Milk


  • 80g of Hulled Hemp Seeds
  • 700 – 900ml of water (use less water if you want creamier milk)
  • 1 pinch of salt (optional)
  • 1 tbsp of maple syrup or honey

The Method:

  1. Add the hemp seeds, water, salt and sweetener to a blender and blend until the mixture is entirely combined.
  2. Take a quick spoon to taste and add in more sweetener if needed.
  3. If you want completely smooth milk, strain it before serving.
  4. Pour into a large bowl or jug covered with a nut milk bag before storing in the fridge. Store up to 5 days, but we recommend you consume the milk in 3 days for the best taste.

If you find you want to add more flavour to the milk, you could try adding vanilla extract, cacao powder or berries. You can use the above recipe for milk to add to desserts, milkshakes and smoothies.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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